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P.O. Box 190213, San Francisco CA 94119

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When you make a donation to Science Connected, that donation goes directly to our programs and initiatives. Donations are tax-deductible.

Science Connected is a GuideStar Platinum-rated charity. That means we are committed to the highest level of organizational and financial transparency. Read our GuideStar report here or read our financial and operational FAQ here.

What Your Donation Does

We live in an era of constant scientific discovery and technological change. Science directly impacts our lives and requires our input as informed citizens and voters. Science Connected believes that the success of nations depends on building a scientifically literate society and a skilled, STEM-educated workforce.

Thank you for supporting open-access science education. Science Connected donors help us given science lessons and experiments to educators, enabled top scientists to share their knowledge directly with the public, and opened doors to science careers for women and minorities. But our work is far from finished. In a time when the United States is backing away from commitments to environmental sustainability, awash in “alternative facts,” the need for citizens who understand science is greater than ever.

Did You Know?

  • Only 26% of U.S. 12th grade students perform at or above grade level in science.
  • Women make up half of the U.S. college educated workforce, but less than a third work in science and engineering.
  • Minority women comprise only 1 in 10 employed scientists and engineers.

Your Investment in Open-Access Science Education

At Science Connected, we work with scientists and educators to provide children with the scientific knowledge that will help them become the citizens, leaders, and innovators of tomorrow. But that’s not all. We also work with researchers, journalists, universities, and industry leaders to provide cutting-edge research findings to people of all ages who continue to change our world for the better. 

Together, We’re Making a big difference

Last year, donors like you helped give free science education materials to more than 500 teachers in American schools. You made it possible for more than 100,000 people to learn about the latest scientific discoveries for free. And you helped children, the scientists of tomorrow, get involved in citizen science projects today. Thank you!