There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.
Isaac Asimov
2021 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools around the world to close their doors for everyone’s safety, requests from parents and teachers to Science Connected for free homeschooling and distance learning e-books increased by over 400% and has not decreased to previous levels. We resolved to not turn away anyone in need of support, and our volunteers worked hard to fulfill all of these requests.
In 2021…
- 240,000 people used Science Connected to read about scientific research online, 40% more than in 2020.
- We have published and distributed 9 STEM education books. These are standards-aligned and provided at-cost.
- More than 1,000 teachers and parents have received and used our free science education e-books to educate students in under-resourced schools.
- 56% of our community are women.
- 100 new science communicators participated in our online science journalism training programs.
- 1,100 hours of service were contributed by volunteers.
2020 Impact Report
- 171,600 people read Science Connected Magazine in 2020
- 23% increase in readership over 2019
- 700 science articles published
- 170 articles about animals and their habitats
- 214 about biodiversity and biology
- 194 about the environment and ecology
- 110 about human health
- 40 about protecting our oceans
- 8 STEM education books published
- 866 teachers and parents received free science education ebooks
- 56% of our readers are women
- 60 new science communicators trained
- 1,069 hours of service contributed by volunteers
2019 Impact Report
Science Education
- 600 K-12 teachers received free science education textbooks
- 660 teachers experienced live demonstrations of inexpensive physics and ecology experiments for grades K-6
- 3 affordable books of NGSS-aligned science lessons published for grades K-6
- 2 books about environmental issues published for grade 10-adult
Science Communication
- 25 scientists trained in science communication best practices
- 561 articles published
- 187 articles published about biology, botany, and sustainable agriculture
- 158 articles published about environmental issues, including climate and ecology
- 76 articles published about human health
- 140,000 readers in 2019
- 28.6% increase in total readership over the previous year
- 32% of readers have expressed interest in information about green living
- 34% of readers are outdoor activity enthusiasts
- 43% increase in readers who want to learn more about science
- 35% of our readers live in San Francisco
- 30.34% increase in San Francisco readership over the previous year
- 56% of our readers are women
- 33.5% of our readers are age 18-24
- 30% of our readers are age 25-34
2018 Impact Report

2016 Impact Report