Free for Science Teachers

Free for Science Teachers

Free teacher guides, middle school science education, free materials

Breathe new life into your science class with GotScience Teachers: STEM Education Resource Center. We invite teachers to tap into our science news content with FREE discussion guides and compelling activities.

Coming in June 2016: FREE E-Book
Questions, discussions, and activities for in your science classroom
30+ articles

Please share this exciting news far and wide so educators can receive this free science teaching resource! Thanks!

The GotScience Teachers STEM Education Resource Center is proud to announce the release of the Discussion Guides. This 36-page PDF e-book of science teaching discussion guides and activities is now available for FREE download from Materials have been created for us by a team of experts applying current education theories and best practices.

Ensuring that all students have access to high-quality learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects is a priority of the US Department of Education, but in 2011, only 32 percent of middle school students performed at or above grade level in science. Science Connected is meeting this challenge by creating supplemental learning materials for middle school classrooms and offering them free to teachers.

“If we can’t think for ourselves, if we’re unwilling to question authority, then we’re just putty in the hands of those in power. But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us. In every country, we should be teaching our children the scientific method and the reasons for a Bill of Rights.”

Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

“[Science] is more than a school subject, or the periodic table, or the properties of waves. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change that world, and to share this accumulated knowledge.”

President Barack Obama, White House Science Fair, March 23, 2015

“Education at all levels in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) develops, preserves, and disseminates knowledge and skills that convey personal, economic, and social benefits.”

—National Science Foundation

This project is funded by Awesome Without Borders grant #180.

GotScience is a Science Connected publication. We translate complex research findings into accessible insights on science, nature, and society. For more science news subscribe to our science newsletter!