Current Fundraising Challenges

Can’t get to Washington, DC, this weekend? Don’t like crowds? Still want to be part of the movement? Friends and supporters of Science Connected are hosting a virtual event called Gaming for Science all day Saturday, April 22, 2017 in San Bruno, California. Attend for free online to enjoy live-streamed gaming, banter, camaraderie, and fundraising for equal-access science education!

Get involved in the latest fundraising effort on behalf of equal access science education! Donate today through IndieGogo, select your thank-you gifts, and spread the word!

Who we are

Science Connected is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit publisher of science nonfiction for a general audience and resources for science teachers. This organization was founded to answer to a question: if science is for everyone, why do so many factors make it inaccessible? From paywalls to jargon, barriers to science keep many keen learners from excelling in STEM fields. Meanwhile, researchers often struggle to reach wider audiences. Science Connected bridges that knowledge gap.

What we do

Science Connected expands accessibility of scientific research. Our largest ongoing project is our online magazine, GotScience, which exists to make science accessible to everyone. Whether or not you’re a member of an institute doesn’t matter—if you have an interest in the sciences and an internet connection, GotScience allows you to learn about the latest scientific research and applications. Our material is accessible in that it is available online for free, and is easy for the general public to understand. This publication aims to expand the science community beyond its traditional boundaries. Meet the GotScience contributors here to learn about our multinational team of highly skilled journalists and photographers.